The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System for:
Protect Yourself. Protect Others.

The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System is portable and light – just 6 pounds – and flexible enough to keep you, your team, and your family safe from airborne pathogens on the move.
Scenarios where patients and first responders benefit from the Safer Portable Negative Pressure system

A critically ill patient requires urgent transfer between healthcare facilities, and aerosol generating procedures such as intubation or bronchoscopy are deemed necessary during transport
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be set up within the ambulance, creating a temporary negative pressure environment. This ensures that any aerosols generated during medical interventions are contained within the confined space, reducing the risk of airborne transmission to healthcare providers and preventing contamination of the ambulance interior.

A patient with a highly contagious respiratory illness, suspected to be transmissible through aerosols, arrives at the emergency room requiring immediate medical attention and possible aerosol generating procedures.
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be quickly deployed in designated areas of the emergency room to create a temporary negative pressure environment. This helps contain and mitigate the spread of infectious aerosols within the treatment space, protecting healthcare staff, other patients, and visitors from potential exposure.

In situations where there is a surge in patients during a public health crisis, and there is a need to set up temporary medical facilities for treating respiratory illnesses, including those requiring aerosol generating procedures.
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be used to establish negative pressure zones within makeshift or field hospitals, ensuring that aerosols generated during medical interventions are contained. This is especially critical in resource-constrained environments where constructing permanent negative pressure rooms may not be feasible. The portability of the system allows for flexibility in creating isolated treatment spaces as needed.

An immunocompromised patient, such as an individual undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplant recipients, presents to the emergency room with severe respiratory symptoms. There is a concern that the patient may be at higher risk for opportunistic infections, including those that may be transmitted through aerosols.
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be quickly deployed in a designated area of the emergency room to isolate the immunocompromised patient. This ensures that the patient receives immediate attention, diagnostic tests, and necessary interventions within an environment that minimizes the risk of exposure to other potential pathogens present in the hospital setting. Expedited care is crucial to address the unique vulnerabilities of immunocompromised individuals and initiate appropriate treatment promptly.

A patient presents with symptoms suggestive of a highly contagious respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, and requires urgent medical assessment and testing.
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be rapidly deployed in an isolation room or a designated area within the healthcare facility. This allows healthcare providers to promptly conduct necessary diagnostic tests, such as a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19, and initiate appropriate care measures. By expediting the diagnosis and isolation of potentially contagious patients, the system helps prevent the spread of the infection within the healthcare facility and the community at large.

A pediatric patient arrives at the emergency room with severe respiratory distress, requiring immediate aerosol generating procedures such as intubation or nebulization.
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be set up in a dedicated area of the pediatric emergency room or treatment space. This ensures that the necessary aerosol generating procedures can be performed promptly and safely within a contained environment. Expedited care is crucial for pediatric patients, as their unique physiological characteristics may require rapid interventions to address respiratory issues and improve outcomes.
The SAFER device has brought us a level of protection for our providers to administer high risk procedures that were thought impossible. It is a standard of care that keeps providers safe, and a standard that every EMS agency should adapt into policy.

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Explore the SafER Portable Negative Pressure System
Leave it to a bunch of ER docs to build a better mouse trap.