The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System for:
Respiratory Therapists
Protect Yourself. Protect Others.

Respiratory therapists assess, treat, and care for patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders. The Safer Portable Isolation System allows the RT to perform aerosolized generating procedures in a safe environment anywhere in the hospital, ambulance or home. Never again expose yourself to the patents illness or the medication being delivered!
The Safer Portable Negative Pressure system can be incredibly useful in a variety of scenarios where maintaining a negative pressure environment is critical for patient and staff safety during aerosol-generating procedures. Here are three case scenarios where this system would be beneficial:

A patient who has tested positive for COVID-19 requires a nebulizer to administer medication.
The portable negative pressure system can be set up around the patient’s bed or procedure area, ensuring that the room maintains a lower pressure relative to adjacent areas. This prevents the escape of potentially infectious aerosols into the surrounding environment, protecting healthcare staff and other patients.

A patient diagnosed with active tuberculosis needs a sputum induction procedure to collect samples for diagnostic testing. Sputum induction is another aerosol-generating procedure that can pose a risk of spreading TB bacteria if not properly contained.
By using the negative pressure system, the procedure can be conducted in a controlled environment where airborne particles are contained and filtered out, reducing the risk of TB transmission within the healthcare facility.

A young pediatric patient with a severe RSV infection requires nebulized medication or other aerosol-generating treatments. Given that RSV is highly contagious, especially among children, it’s crucial to manage the spread of aerosols.
The system helps to maintain a negative pressure environment around the patient, minimizing the risk of RSV particles contaminating the surrounding air and thereby reducing the likelihood of transmission to other patients and healthcare providers in the vicinity.
In each of these scenarios, the Safer Portable Negative Pressure system provides an additional layer of safety by containing potentially harmful aerosols, ensuring that isolation protocols are effectively maintained even in settings where a fixed negative pressure room might not be available.
We only have 2 Negative Pressure rooms in our ED. When the rooms are full and we have a patient requiring an urgent nebulizer treatment it is comforting to staff to know that they can utilize the Respiratory Shield and not compromise other patients/staff close by. We also are able to now provide nebulized medications in our lobby when previously, we could not. Staff absolutely love this system. They are easy to use while providing a safe environment to everyone in the vicinity.

Respiratory Therapists Resources + Studies
White Paper
Asthma Respiratory Shield Case Study
Explore the SafER Portable Negative Pressure System
Leave it to a bunch of ER docs to build a better mouse trap.