Meet the New Gold Standard for Preventing the Spread of Airborne Contaminants
Meet the New Gold Standard for Preventing the Spread of Airborne Contaminants

Highly Portable
Can be fitted on a patient by EMTs, and remain with the patient throughout their hospital stay.

Accessible and Affordable
All the protection of a negative pressure isolation room at a fraction of the cost.

Effective Protection
Protects providers, other patients, and their families against respiratory exposure.

Keep the disease with the patient
The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System can be fitted on patients suffering from respiratory illnesses and protects everyone they come into contact with from exposure.
It has been tested and proven to be effective, allowing hospitals to uphold their own protocols requiring negative pressure isolation, and be ready for the next respiratory disease.
Some of the Specialists Using the SafER system

First Responders
Protect Yourself. Protect Others.
The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System is portable and light – just 6 pounds – and flexible enough to keep you and your team safe on the move.
The SAFER device has brought us a level of protection for our providers to administer high risk procedures that were thought impossible. It is a standard of care that keeps providers safe, and a standard that every EMS agency should adapt into policy.

Hospital Systems
Meet your own Guidelines and Protocols
The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System offers a proven replacement for negative pressure rooms at a fraction of the cost.
I used it twice over the last month, it saved two people from either dying or being intubated at the time. There is no way they would have survived without being on the BIPAP. Honestly, from an ICU perspective, it keeps healthcare workers safe.

Respiratory Therapists
The Nebulizer of the Future Has Arrived
The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System is 42% better than a standard nebulizer at delivering oxygen or aerosolized medication to a patient — and offers protection to everyone else.
We only have 2 Negative Pressure rooms in our ED. When the rooms are full and we have a patient requiring an urgent nebulizer treatment it is comforting to staff to know that they can utilize the Respiratory Shield and not compromise other patients/staff close by. We also are able to now provide nebulized medications in our lobby when previously, we could not. Staff absolutely love this system. They are easy to use while providing a safe environment to everyone in the vicinity.
CFD analysis has shown that the SafER Portable Negative Pressure System may provide an average of 99% effectiveness in removing exhaled particles from the work environment.

SafER Medical is a group of ER doctors and firefighters who faced the challenges of providing healthcare during the pandemic.
We saw front line providers risking their health and isolated from their families. We saw hospital systems crushed by the weight and expense of providing negative pressure isolation.
We created a better way. The SafER Portable Negative Pressure System solves the issue of contamination and spread of respiratory illnesses. It’s portable, flexible, and highly affordable.
There is no healthcare setting in the world that could not benefit from it.
Explore the SafER Portable Negative Pressure System
Leave it to a bunch of ER docs to build a better mouse trap.