Rural hospitals are an important part of the medical community that can benefit in multiple ways from the implementation and use of SafER’s portable negative pressure system (PNPS) solutions. Often operating with limited resources compared to their larger hospital counterparts, smaller hospitals have less available ‘real estate,’ leading to shared spaces and crowded waiting rooms.

They also often lack the funding to build and manage conventional isolation approaches, such as creating negative pressure rooms within every facility. Even if they have a negative pressure room the limitations are still significant because it can only handle one patient at a time and requires extensive time-consuming depressurization, sanitization, and re-pressurization between patients. In contrast, multiple SafER portable systems can serve more patients simultaneously and they outperform standard negative pressure rooms, which typically exchange air only 12 times per hour. SafER systems provide a much faster air exchange rate of 3.2 times per second, ensuring a safer and more efficient environment for patients and healthcare workers.

SafER offers two key products: the Endoshield and the Respiratory Shield. Both provide the same level of protection as a negative pressure room during critical procedures, such as administering nebulized medications, intubation, extubation, and bronchoscopy. SafER’s PNPS is compatible with CPAP, Bi-level Positive Pressure Ventilation, nebulizers, high-flow oxygen, and can be utilized in bronchoscopies, sputum induction, and other procedures.

Due to its low cost, portability and adaptability for both respiratory protection and delivery of nebulized medication, SafER enables smaller rural hospitals to save lives, reduce costs, protect staff, and make more money.

Click here to read the full article on how “Rural Hospitals are Boosting Revenues and Improving Patient Outcomes with SafER Medical PNPS.