Sputum induction is a non-invasive procedure used to collect sputum (mucus from the lungs) for diagnostic purposes. It is used to diagnose, assess and monitor conditions such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, and other respiratory conditions. However, medical facilities face several challenges with conducting sputum induction safely and cost-effectively.

The current standard calls for performing sputum induction in a sterile environment such as a negative pressure room to avoid risk of spreading any infectious particles. But negative pressure rooms are expensive to both create and operate, requiring large capital investments and rigorous depressurization, sterilization, and repressurization between each procedure. This not only increases operating costs but it limits the number of patients that can be served in a given amount of time.

With SafER’s low cost, portable negative pressure systems, hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities can radically improve the number of sputum induction procedures that can be safely performed, thereby both lowering costs and improving service, along with enhancing revenues.

Read the full story about SafER and Sputum Induction here.